
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_up Degree
論衝突中和衝突後社會的法治 : 聯合國的行動及中國的貢獻 check Full Text
吳燕妮 曾令良 2012. Doctoral
"一國兩制" 與澳門治理民主化 check Full Text
龐嘉穎 駱偉建 2012. Doctoral
國際刑事政策視角下的跨國販賣人口犯罪研究 check Full Text
郭晶 趙國強 2012. Doctoral
行政主導與民主治理 : 以澳門特別行政區政治體制為中心 check Full Text
劉倩 駱偉建 2012. Doctoral
PFLL(Criminal Juridical Sciences) 000 (SAMPLE) 國際刑事政策視角下的跨國販賣人口犯罪研究
郭晶 趙國強 2012. Doctoral
論不當得利的補充性 check Full Text
蘇建峰, 唐曉晴 2013. Doctoral
澳門道路交通事故民事責任之研究 check Full Text
呂冬娟 唐曉晴 2013. Doctoral
PFLL(Economic Juridical Sciences) 000 (SAMPLE) As relações económicas e comerciais entre a China e os países Africanos de língua oficial Portuguesa : alguns aspectos juridicos e economicos = Economic and trade relations between China and African Portuguese-speaking countries : some legal and economic aspects
Machava, Almeida Zacarias Porto Manuel Carlos Lopes 2013. Doctoral
As relações económicas e comerciais entre a China e os países Africanos de língua oficial Portuguesa : alguns aspectos juridicos e economicos = Economic and trade relations between China and African Portuguese-speaking countries : some legal and economic aspects check Full Text
Machava, Almeida Zacarias Porto Manuel Carlos Lopes 2013. Doctoral
EU rule of law promotion abroad and its cooperation with China in the context of international rule of law
Zhang, Jiao 曾令良 2014. Doctoral

Showing 1 to 10 of 129 results