
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_up Degree
Grupos estratégicos e performance : um contributo para a caracterização do sector têxtil Português
Curto, José Joaquim Dias Reis, Elizabeth 1992. Master
Management practices in garment SMEs in Macau
Ozorio, Bernadete Antonio, Nelson Jose dos Santos 1994. Master
Underpricing of initial public offerings (IPOS) in the Hong Kong stock market
Vong, Pou Iu Trigueiros, Duarte Manuel Forjaz Pacheco 1994. Master
The impact of takeover announcements on target stock returns and market efficiency : the Hong Kong experience
Ho, Keang Hong 1994. Master
Financial derivative products for hedging strategies : are they being used in Macau?
Liz, Maria Da Conceicao 1994. Master
Marketing in a small place : the case of the tertiary sector of Macau
Mac, Vai Iun 1994. Master
An analysis of the marketing problems encountered by selected service business firms in Macau
Sousa, Cristina Maria Gloria 1994. Master
The upsurge of private entrepreneurship in China : the case of Tian He high-and-new technology industrial development zone in Guangzhou
Trigo, Virginia M. Jesuino, Jorge Correia 1994. Master
Quality management : an exploratory study of the status and implications in overseas Chinese companies operating in Macau
Teixeira, Antonio 1994. Master
Analysis of management communication and employee job satisfaction in an organization : Department of Statistics and Census of Macau (Direccao dos Servicos de Estatistica e Censos de Macau (DSEC)
Ung, Lai In Vong, Peng Chun 1994. Master

Showing 1 to 10 of 286 results