
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
澳門政制發展中的立法會間接選舉制度 = Indirect election system of Legislative Council in the constitutional development of Macau
鄭嘉恩 駱偉建 2012. Master
半公罪制度下的被害人保障研究 = Research on the protection of victims under the half-public crime system check Full Text
梁子健 李哲 2021. Master
保理合同與相鄰概念比較研究 = A comparative research on factoring contract and neighboring concepts check Full Text
楊卓然 稅兵 2020. Master
被害人參與公訴案件研究 : 以我國的被害人參與為中心 = Research on the right of the criminal victim to participate in cases of public prosecution : centered on victim's participation in China check Full Text
朱文龍 李哲 2015. Master
被害人的權利保障若干問題研究 : 以澳門法律為視角 = Issues on the protection of victims' rights from the perspective of Macau law check Full Text
林楠曦 李哲 2020. Master
被害人自陷風險相關問題研究 = Research on the problem related to self-insurance risk of the aggrieved party check Full Text
倪先鏵 趙國強 2017. Master
被遺忘權在中國法下的定位與構建 = The position and construction of the right to be forgotten in the Chinese law system check Full Text
劉根固 稅兵 2019. Master
郭少萍 趙國強 2010. Master
比較法視野下澳門最簡易訴訟程序之改革 = Revolution of Processo sumaríssimo of Macao in the vision of comparative law check Full Text
馬嘉穎 李哲 2020. Master
比較法視野下公民個人信息的刑法保護研究 = Research on the criminal law protection of citizen's personal information from the perspective of comparative law check Full Text
歐陽嘉恆 李哲 2022. Master

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