
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
中國大陸家事信託法律問題研究 = Study on the legal issues of family trust in China Mainland check Full Text
張阿林 王薇 2018. Master
中國大陸與澳門地區善意占有比較研究 = A comparative study on bona fide possession between Mainland China and Macao check Full Text
林小萍 唐曉晴 2018. Master
中國大陸與巴西商業秘密法律保護制度之比較研究 = Comparative study on the legal system protecting trade secret between mainland China and Brazil check Full Text
劉璐 梁靜姮 2018. Master
中國獨立董事的 "權、責、利" 制度研究
呂嘉欣 范劍虹 2011. Master
中國法語境下夫妻共同債務的認定困境與可能解決的路徑 = Marital debts in light of the Chinese law : subsidies to overcome perceived difficulties in the real world check Full Text
施元元 范劍虹 2021. Master
中國公司董事忠實與勤勉義務案例群研究 = A case study of directors' duty and diligence in China check Full Text
張軻 范劍虹 2017. Master
中國公司資本制度改革 : 以我國最低資本限額的取消為視角 = Reform of corporate capital system in China : to the cancellation of minimum apital [capital] perspective check Full Text
劉欣琦 范劍虹 2014. Master
中國古代調解制度解析及其現代詮釋 = The study on the ancient Chinese mediation system and its contemporary interpretation check Full Text
施思 汪超 2015. Master
中國股票市場 "半強制分紅政策" 制度改善研究 : 基於對市場的有效性和負影響進行實證 check Full Text
李浩鵬 稅兵 2020. Master
中國規範性文件司法附帶審查制度研究 = A study on the judicial incidental review system of regulatory documents in China check Full Text
唐詩月 蔣朝陽 2020. Master

Showing 511 to 520 of 954 results