
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
一人有限公司與公司法人格否認的若干建議 = Single shareholder private company and suggestions for disregard of corporate personality check Full Text
司徒偉東 汪超 2015. Master
醫療事故責任歸責原則研究 = Research on the principles of malpractice and medical liability check Full Text
杜宏基 唐曉晴 2016. Master
移動醫療 APP 法律監管及相關醫療糾紛責任探析 = Legal supervision of mobile medical APP and liability for related medical disputes check Full Text
王梅屹 杜立 2019. Master
隱名股權強制執行問題研究 = A study on legal problems of anonymous share holders' rights enforcement check Full Text
曹錦釗 王薇 2018. Master
隱私權在澳門的保障 : 以個人資料保護法為中心
梁芷娟 唐曉晴 2009. Master
英國可上訴的仲裁裁決的 "紐約公約" 可執行性研究 check Full Text
王榮國 Mo Shijian 2014. Master
有限責任公司股權轉讓善意取得制度研究 = Research on the equity bona fide acquisition of limited liability company check Full Text
張曉星 范劍虹 2017. Master
娛樂場博彩信貸產生的合法債務跨境執行之研究 = The study for cross-border execution of legal obligation arising from casino gaming credit
李金獅 邱庭彪 2015. Master
預期違約與不安抗辯權的問題研究 : 在民法典編纂的視野下 = A study on the problem of anticipatory breach and counterargument right for security : from the perspective of civil code compilation check Full Text
江池 唐曉晴 2020. Master
粵澳兩地公司高管賄賂犯罪的比較 = Comparative legal analysis of bribery at company's senior management level : Macao's and Guangdong province's persperctives check Full Text
龍幗英 邱庭彪 2018. Master

Showing 481 to 490 of 954 results