
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
刑事誘惑偵查合法化問題的研究 = The research on the legitimization of criminal encouragement investigation check Full Text
謝銀瑩 趙國強 2016. Master
行政補償的概念重構及類型研究 = Analysis on the re-construed concept of administrative compensation and its taxonomy check Full Text
宗冬 翟小波 2016. Master
行政撤銷問題研究 : 從義務與自由裁量之爭出發 = Research on the annulment of administrative acts : starting from the dispute between obligation and discretion check Full Text
鄒海若 蔣朝陽 2018. Master
行政程序 : 調查程序中當事人的權利和義務之探討
甘玉萍 劉高龍 2008. Master
行政倫理規範建構研究 = Study on the construction of administration ethics norms and regulations check Full Text
齊思明 蔣朝陽 2018. Master
性騷擾刑事化研究 = Research on sexual harassment criminalizing check Full Text
李寧 趙國強 2016. Master
修訂澳門 "刑法典" 法人犯罪規定研究 = Study of amendments regarding regulations of legal person crime of Macao Penal Code check Full Text
黃奕沛 蘇建峰 2020. Master
虛擬貨幣在刑法上的若干研究 : 以比特幣角度論澳門刑法規定 = Some questions and analysis regarding theory of criminal law in virtual money : discuss the criminal law in Macau from the perspective of bitcoin check Full Text
林衍雄 趙國強 2020. Master
養老服務供給社會化中政府的公法義務 = The discussion of the government's public law obligations in the socialization of elderly service check Full Text
張演鋒 翟小波 2019. Master
藥物臨床試驗中受試者的知情同意權研究 = Study on the right of informed consent of subjects in clinical trials of drugs check Full Text
李辰 税兵 2020. Master

Showing 471 to 480 of 954 results