
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
網絡共同犯罪研究 = Research on the joint crime on network check Full Text
馮銘恩 趙國強 2015. Master
網絡環境下我國政府信息公開制度的完善 = Improvement of the system of government information disclosure in network environmental check Full Text
賈文君 蔣朝陽 2013. Master
網絡平台用戶個人信息保護可行路徑的構建 : 基於新浪微博訴脈脈不正當競爭案的分析 = Construction of feasible protection paths for the protection of users' personal information on internet platforms : reflection based on the case of "Sina Weibo v. Maimai" check Full Text
陳東 稅兵 2020. Master
網絡虛擬財産繼承制度研究 = The research on the inheritance system of the online virtual property check Full Text
張藝薫 税兵 2020. Master
網絡遊戲直播 "欺騙" 行為性質認定及主播與直播網站的責任研究 = The research on the nature of "cheating" behavior in online games live and liability of game live website and game anchor check Full Text
邱科銘 唐曉晴 2017. Master
網絡詐騙相關問題的研究 = The research of network fraud check Full Text
何崇文 趙國強 2017. Master
危害執行程序行為之刑事追訴研究 = Study on criminal law regulation of refusing to execute judgments or orders check Full Text
陳坤 李哲 2021. Master
微信作品的著作權合理使用制度研究 = Research on the fair use institution of copyright in WeChat works check Full Text
王潤婷 稅兵 2019. Master
違約方合同解除權的思考 : 以公報案例為切入點 = Reflections on contract cancellation rights of the breaching party : takes bulletin cases as entry points check Full Text
李曉暉 唐曉晴 2020. Master
違約精神損害賠償研究 : Study on compensation for mental damage caused by breach of contract
李雅茜 唐曉晴 2008. Master

Showing 421 to 430 of 954 results