
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
論智能手機預置應用程式與澳門消費者權益保護 = Research on pre-installed application in smartphone and protection of consumer rights of Macau check Full Text
楊晉 杜立 2018. Master
論中國大陸夫妻共同債務的舉證責任分配 = Discussion about the burden of proof distribution of spousal community debts in mainland China check Full Text
黃泳儀 梁靜姮 2018. Master
論中國大陸直接面向消費者的基因檢測之監管 = A study on regulatory controls for direct-to-consumer genetic testing in Mainland China check Full Text
蔡禕禕 杜立 2018. Master
論中國法上的懲罰性賠償 = On the punitive damages in Chinese law check Full Text
華雪蕾 唐曉晴 2014. Master
論中國法語境下仲裁裁決國籍認定的困境及其對策 = On the dilemma and countermeasures of identifying nationality of arbitral awards on the context of Chinese law check Full Text
張俊 杜立 2018. Master
論中國法域下 ICO 的定性及其制度化構建 = The study on the nature of ICO and its systematization under Chinese law check Full Text
盧聖暉 魏丹 2021. Master
論中國內地不得強迫自證其罪原則與犯罪嫌疑人權利保障 = Study on the privilege against self-incrimination and protection of suspects' rights in Mainland China check Full Text
趙璇 李哲 2015. Master
論中國內地法官職業化考評機制之構建 = A study on the evaluation mechanism of judges' professionalization in mainland China check Full Text
路繼成 蔣朝陽 2017. Master
論中國內地網絡購物合同糾紛管轄權 = Critical research of the jurisdiction of online shopping in Mainland China check Full Text
余樂 稅兵 2015. Master
論中國證券市場集體訴訟制度 : 比較法視覺下的思考 = The class action framework in force in China's securities market : insights from a comparative law standpoint check Full Text
宋嘉豪 梁靜姮 2021. Master

Showing 351 to 360 of 954 results