
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
略論電子商務領域中的走私犯罪 = A brief discussion on e-commerce smuggling check Full Text
周淑雋 趙國強 2019. Master
論 "買賣型擔保" 的法律性質及效力 = On the legal nature and effectiveness of "trading guarantee" check Full Text
吳雲輝 稅兵 2017. Master
論 "香港基本法" 法律解釋方法的綜合運用 : 以 "雙非" 問題為視角 = Comprehensive use of legal interpretation methods of "Hong Kong Basic Law" : from the perspective of the issue of "mainland mothers coming to give birth in Hong Kong" check Full Text
王錦儀 駱偉建 2016. Master
論 TRIPS 協定對商業秘密之保護在澳門的落實 = A study of the implementation of protection for trade secrets uder the TRIPS agreement in Macau check Full Text
梁曉欣 汪超 2015. Master
論澳門 "非法提供住宿" 刑事化的可行性 = Feasibility of criminalization "prohibition of providing illegal accommodation" in Macau check Full Text
梁美詩 蘇建峰 2019. Master
論澳門 "商法典" 述之不正當競爭條款 = A study on the articles of unfair competition in the "Macau Commercial Code" check Full Text
莫綺玲 范劍虹 2016. Master
廖志漢 趙國強 2012. Master
論澳門賭債案件在中國內地的法律適用問題 : 兼論特徵性履行說, 最密切聯繫原則與公共秩序保留原則 = The legal application of Macao gambling debt case in Mainland China : theory of the characteristic performance, the doctrine of the most significant relationship and the doctrine of reservation of public order check Full Text
薛宇 范劍虹 2019. Master
論澳門分層所有權制度對內地區分所有權立法的借鑒意義 = Significado do regime da propriedade horizontal de Macau como ponto de referência do trabalho legislativo do regime da propriedade horizontal da república popular da China
梁永本 楊立新 2004. Master
論澳門個人資料在大數據時代下的保護 = The study on the protection of personal data in Macau under the age of big data check Full Text
李嘉儒 蘇建峰 2020. Master

Showing 231 to 240 of 954 results