
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
檢察機關提起環境行政公益訴訟制度研究 = Research on the environmental public interest litigation system brought by the procuratorial organ check Full Text
任淑嬌 蔣朝陽 2017. Master
見危不救入刑可行性研究 = The feasibility study of the penalty of non-salvation-in-danger check Full Text
Wu, Jia Xi 趙國強 2017. Master
建立聯合仲裁平台 : 中國大陸與香港仲裁衝突的爭端解決機制思考 = Establishing a joint arbration platform : reflection of a dispute settlement mechanism for arbitration conflicts between the Mainland and Hong Kong check Full Text
葛俊君 梁靜姮 2020. Master
競價排名的法律問題研究 = Research on the legal issues of pay per click check Full Text
徐靚 范劍虹 2017. Master
康德的政治正當性理論 = Kant's theory of state's legitimacy check Full Text
鄭灝天 翟小波 2019. Master
跨國代孕中法定父母身份認定的國際私法問題及跨國代孕公約的構建 = Private international law issues of legal parentage on cross-border surrogacy and the establishment of the convention on cross-border surrogacy check Full Text
楊管鈺 涂廣建 2019. Master
跨境電商交易中消費者撤回權在澳門的適用 = The application of the right of withdrawal in cross-border e-consumer trade contract in Macau check Full Text
利明君 稅兵 2020. Master
跨境破產法律衝突及協調機制研究 : 以內地與澳門兩地為例 = A study on conflicts and coordination mechanisms of cross-border bankruptcy law : a case in the mainland of China and Macau check Full Text
張瑩 范劍虹 2017. Master
略論澳門精神損害賠償制度 : 以一般人身傷亡侵權案件為視角 = A brief discussion on Macao mental damages compensation system : from the perspective of general personal injury cases check Full Text
李倩瑜 蘇建峰 2019. Master
略論澳門特別行政區行政主導政治體制 = A brief study on executive-led political system of Special Administration Region of Macau check Full Text
李雪飛 蔣朝陽 2018. Master

Showing 221 to 230 of 954 results