
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
環境民事公益訴訟的證據制度研究 = A research on the evidence mechanism of environmental civil lawsuits of public interest check Full Text
王恆 王薇 2018. Master
環境民事公益訴訟原告資格探究 = Research on plaintiff qualification of environmental public interest litigation check Full Text
李依然 王薇 2019. Master
環境污染司法救濟 : 公益訴訟相關問題研究 = Environmental pollution relief : a study on the problems related to public interest litigation check Full Text
周蘊佳 王薇 2018. Master
恢復原狀在中國民法上的適用 = The application of restitution in Chinese civil law check Full Text
劉萌萌 稅兵 2016. Master
婚姻關係存續期間共有財產的分割問題 = The issue about the division of community property in marital check Full Text
李玲玉 稅兵 2015. Master
婚姻中的性交義務 : 從婚內強行性交是否成立強姦罪談起 = On the obligation of sexual intercourse in marriage : a discussion beginning with the issue whether forced sexual intercourse within marriage is rape? check Full Text
朱日草 翟小波 2020. Master
黃宏耿, 駱偉建 2004. Master
技術模仿所涉及的法律問題研究 = The study of legal issue for technological imitation
王晴 范劍虹 2012. Master
紀律程序中之調查權 = Investigation powers in disciplinary action check Full Text
黃淑禧 蔣朝陽 2017. Master
檢察機關提起環境民事公益訴訟的相關問題研究 = Research on the relevant issues of environmental civil public interest litigation filed by procuratorial organ check Full Text
方瑞安 范劍虹 2018. Master

Showing 211 to 220 of 954 results