
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
非公權利組織提起環境公益訴訟原告資格研究 = On-public power organization filed environmental public interest litigation plaintiff qualification study research check Full Text
曾芷欣 蔣朝陽 2018. Master
分享經濟背景下的勞動關係認定和網約工權益保護 : 由巴西 "優步案" 引發的思考 = The recognition of labor relations and the protection of gig workers under the background of sharing economy : reflections on the Brazilian Uber case check Full Text
虞洋 魏丹 2019. Master
夫妻分居期間的共同債務問題 = The problem of the husband and wife's joint debts during the separation check Full Text
閆曉宇 稅兵 2019. Master
夫妻共有房產無權處分問題研究 = Research on unauthorized dispose the matrimonial joint housing check Full Text
張婧堯 稅兵 2016. Master
夫妻違反忠誠義務的法律與社會學淺析 = The law and sociology analysis of husband and wife's violation of loyalty
國熙 汪超 2013. Master
港澳台及外國企業在橫琴新區直接投資的法律問題研究 = A study on direct investment of Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and foreign enterprises in Hengqin check Full Text
何一閱 范劍虹 2012. Master
港澳制定實施 "維護國家安全法" 對維護國家政治安全的作用 = Study on the role of the enactment and implementation of the national security law in Hon Kong and Macau in maintaining political security check Full Text
王文婷 蔣朝陽 2021. Master
格式條款解釋規則 : 以網絡第三方支付為例 = Format terms interpretation rules : a case study of third party payment on the internet check Full Text
彭肅華 稅兵 2019. Master
個人網店的名譽權保護 = The protection of the law of the Chinese personal online store reputation check Full Text
李映雪 稅兵 2015. Master
個人信息保護中 "同意" 的法律規則 = Legal rules of "consent" in personal information protection check Full Text
唐嘉駿 稅兵 2020. Master

Showing 151 to 160 of 954 results