
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
單方允諾之債研究 = The study on the unilateral promises of debt check Full Text
任笑林 稅兵 2016. Master
胡劍敏 楊國強 2008. Master
低碳經濟背景下中國可再生能源使用法律制度完善的建議 = Recommendations for legislative perfection of the using of China's renewable energy under the background of low carbon economy check Full Text
張傑文 唐曉晴 2017. Master
徐斌 唐曉晴 2004. Master
電腦犯罪若干問題研究 = Research into the some question of computer crime check Full Text
劉漢傑 趙國強 2016. Master
電信詐騙犯罪若干問題研究 = Research on some problems of telecom fraud crime check Full Text
周烱照 錢釗強 2021. Master
電子商務平台虛假交易行為的民事責任 = Civil liabilities about fake trading behavior on e-commerce platforms check Full Text
吳靜蕤 稅兵 2019. Master
電子證據在澳門刑事訴訟程序上適用研究 = Research on the application of electronic evidence in criminal litigation in Macao check Full Text
吳振輝 李哲 2020. Master
董事對第三人責任 = Liability of directors to the third party check Full Text
李正源 Wang, Wei 2016. Master
都市更新中公共利益與私人利益衝突的研究 = A study of the conflict between public interest and private interest in urban renewal check Full Text
高麗珊 蘇建峰 2021. Master

Showing 131 to 140 of 954 results