
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
從 "公民及政治權利國際公約" 及比較法看澳門刑事上訴制度 : On the criminal appellate system in Macao from the perspective of International Covenant on Civil and Political Right sand Comparative Law check Full Text
何國盛 李哲 2020. Master
丁雅勤 劉高龍 2008. Master
從澳門法的角度探析澳門特區跨境電商爭議解決機制 = E-commerce and online dispute resolution in light of Macao legal framework check Full Text
張鋭坤 梁靜姮 2020. Master
從巴西特別刑事法庭制度到恢復性司法理念之探究 = Study from the system of Brazilian special criminal court to the theory of restorative justice check Full Text
段丙鑫 李哲 2018. Master
從比較法角度論中國地區無人繼承財產制度之構建 = Analysis on the non-inheritance property system in Mainlang China : from the perspertive of comparative law
陳暐 唐曉晴 2012. Master
從犯之刑事責任若干問題研究 = Research on criminal responsibility of accessory check Full Text
唐曉明 趙國強 2020. Master
從父母與未成年子女法律關係的發展史論當今中國特殊兒童群體問題的解決 = Through researching the history of the legal relationship between parents and their children to see the solutions of Chinese special children's problem
趙丹丹 唐曉晴 2013. Master
甄代嫦 唐曉晴 2008. Master
從區際法律衝突視角, 論管轄權衝突和協調 = From the perspective of inerregional legal conflict, discuss the conflict and coordination of jurisdictions check Full Text
蘇添平 涂廣建 2019. Master
從土地房屋徵收談 : 公共利益的範圍界定與程序保障 = From the land and house expropriation : the scope definition and procedure guarantee of public interest check Full Text
姚田 江華 2020. Master

Showing 111 to 120 of 954 results