
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
比例原則在中國警察使用槍支問題探析 : 以 "人民警察法" 修訂草案稿為背景 = The study of proportion principle in the use of guns by Chinese police : based on the revised draft of the "People's police law" check Full Text
楊海琳 蔣朝陽 2018. Master
比特幣的法律規制 = Bitcoin legal regulation check Full Text
王維為 稅兵 2020. Master
楊春華 唐曉晴 2011. Master
不能犯未遂若干問題研究 = The research on intractable issues of attempted crime due to impossibility in the perspective of criminal law check Full Text
祝田 趙國強 2017. Master
不作為犯罪因果關係研究 = Research on causality in negative crimes check Full Text
葉欣沂 趙國強 2016. Master
抽象行政行為司法審查理論研究 : 完善我國抽象行政行為司法審查制度 = Theoretical research on the judicial review of abstract administrative act : improve the judicial review system of abstract administrative act in China
Liu, Dan 蔣朝陽 2010. Master
出資不實下的發起人連帶責任問題研究 = Research on joint liabilities of company promoters' dishonesty in capital contribution
姜南 王薇 2018. Master
芻議全球化視覺下粤港澳三地法律制度差異對警務情報合作的影響 = A discussion on the influence of three different legal systems of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao on police intelligence cooperation under the globalization vision check Full Text
許璐子 唐曉晴 2016. Master
傳統刑法理論適用電腦或網絡犯罪的若干問題與分析 = Some questions and analysis regarding traditional theory of criminal law applying to computer or cyber crime check Full Text
蔡昕暉 趙國強 2019. Master
慈善組織與志願者的關係如何界定? : 以 "慈善法" 為視角 = How to define the relationship between charitable organizations and volunteers? : from the view of charity law check Full Text
張棟洋 唐曉晴 2017. Master

Showing 101 to 110 of 954 results