
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Bryant University in Zhuhai : a case study of CFCS marketing in China

English Abstract

This case study investigates how Chinese-Foreign Cooperative Schools (CFCS) represent and market themselves to potential Chinese students. The idea is to look at the plausible future of Higher Education Marketing in China by taking a closer look at CFCS and seeing how specifically the Rhode Island U.S. based Bryant University wades through the waters of the Chinese post-secondary education market. This will be done by way of visual and textual analysis of the webpage and other promotional material for Bryant University in Zhuhai. A comparison will be made to other local institutions, including Zhuhai’s branch of the Beijing Institute of Technology (the Chinese partner) as well as looking at Bryant University’s own homepage (the foreign partner). Through comparing these three sets of representation we can see how CFCS present their relationship to western education institutions and traditions. In this analysis we can discover how their public image makes use of and implements western marketing practices as well as more local Chinese marketing strategies to recruit potential students. Ultimately, the goal is to gain a better sense of where education marketing is heading in China through the images of education that are constructed and sold within it.

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Ramirez, Harlan

Faculty of Social Sciences (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
Department of Communication



Education, Higher -- International cooperation -- Case studies

Education, Higher -- China -- Finance

University cooperation -- Case studies

Education, Higher -- Marketing

Universities and colleges -- Marketing


Hodges, Benjamin Kidder

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