
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Examining food and beverage outlets in Macao and their implication for childhood obesity

English Abstract

In this paper, the author conducts store auditing to analyze product categories, core and non-core foods by retailors (i.e., convenience stores, fast food restaurants, and soft drink shops) from October 2012 to March 2013 in Gongcha, Comebuy, Seven-Eleven, Circle-K and McDonald’s and examined the promotional techniques in 2015. The result indicates that the food category being sold the most is soft drinks/tea/coffee (41%), and the foods and beverages that were promoted the most are non-core foods. While the most frequently employed promotional techniques are relationship investment and similarity, which means commonality in appearance, lifestyle, and status between individual boundary spanners or similar culture, values, and goals between buying and selling. This reveals that fast food restaurants and convenience stores are mostly displaying unhealthy foods. Furthermore, most unhealthy foods are more likely to be advertised with ads that can been seen from the street. Results of such studies may provide implications for government to promote the development, production, and marketing of food products that contribute to a healthy diet.

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Lei, Lai Peng

Faculty of Social Sciences (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
Department of Communication



Beverages -- Macau

Fast food restaurants -- Macau

Convenience foods -- Macau

Obesity in children

Children -- Health and hygiene


Chang, Wen Yu

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