
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Environmental public policy : taking China and German as cases

English Abstract

There has been 23 years since CBD established, the purpose of this thesis is finding out the effectiveness of the CBD. During the process of assessment, three standers consisted of governmental concern, political capacity and contractual environment were adopted and two countries China and Germany were selected as examples to analyze. The result revealed that governmental concern could get medium score, government capacity could get low score and contractual environment get the low score. Author will use six chapters to explain what effectiveness of the CBD is, the first chapter is introduction, which mainly give a brief statement of the environment problem; the second chapter is literature review that means to find what scholars in this field have answered. In this part, author focuses on two questions: what institution effectiveness is and how to assess regime; the third chapter is about research questions and methodologies. The fourth chapter states the development of the Convention on Biological Diversity and its framework. In the fifth chapter, author will apply the 3c theory including of governmental concern, political capacity and contractual environment to assess the effectiveness of the CBD; the last section is conclusion, based on it, author put forward four suggestions.

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Yang, Qiu Shi

Faculty of Social Sciences (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
Department of Government and Public Administration



Environmental policy -- China

Environmental policy -- Germany


Chen, Ding Ding

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