
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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A test of social bond theory among Chinese drug users

English Abstract

Drug abuse has become an international problem in recent decades. This paper concerns drug abuse in Mainland China. This study is an examination of the relevance of the social bond theory among drug addicts at a Chinese Compulsory Isolation and Detoxification Center, and of the elements that determine their drug abuse. A questionnaire survey was conducted among 202 drug addicts at a center in ‘A’ Province. The collected data was analyzed for correlations between four elements of social bond theory - commitment, attachment, belief, and involvement – and the addicts’ frequency of drug use. The results were generally consistent with those indicated in prior research studies. A correlation was found between the frequency of drug use, and the respondents’ age, marital status, employment, and beliefs. However, there were no significant relationships among supportive attachment, involvement and the frequency of drug use. This might be due to cultural and conventional practices in Mainland China and the limitation of the study. The demographic characteristics, drug consumption and treatments received of the residents inside the center were also observed so that a more sufficient understanding of Chinese drug users could be attained.

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Cui, Shan

Faculty of Social Sciences (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
Department of Sociology



Drug abuse -- China

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