
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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A leitura numa perspectiva discursiva : os efeitos de uma imagem em diferentes sujeitos

English Abstract

In this thesis we review the development of reading theory, making a comparison between the structuralist perspective - reading is seen as a simple decoding process, the cognitive perspective - reading is equivalent to filling in the gaps left by the author and exploring his intentions, and the discursive perspective of reading - reading is conceived as the production of meaning by the reader in particular socio-historical conditions. We explain in detail the last one; and we investigate the effects produced by Chinese subjects on the reading of a Colgate's advertisement, divulgated in the South American printed media, Silver Lion winner of Cannes Lions 2011. With the Discourse Analysis as the theoretical basis, we consider the text a set of senses connected to its externality, namely, the interdiscourse. Therefore, the text is not a unit closed in on itself, nor something that has a clear sense and ready to be captured by the subject-reader. Thus, different perspectives from a same text are possible. To support this hypothesis, we conducted a series of interviews with semi-structured topics with six participants of different ages, academic levels and other personal conditions, and we analyzed the corpus comprised of their readings related to this advertisement, identifying the similarities and differences among them. Before the interviews, we set two goals for our research: 1. Through interviews, discuss and compare the effects produced by different subjects about the same advertisement; 2. Combined with the results of the interviews, discuss the subjectivity marks in reading, based on the discourse produced by the participants regarding the text read. The results show that the participants produced diversified interpretations, producing different views that identify them as subjects belonging to a culture different from that in which the advertisement was initially divulgated.

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He, Shan

Faculty of Arts and Humanities (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
Department of Portuguese



Discourse Analysis


Silva, Ricardo Moutinho Rodrigues da

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