
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Translating idiomatic expressions in legal texts : a case study of translations of court judgments in Hong Kong

English Abstract

Idiomatic expressions are generally considered conventionalized expressions whose pragmatic meanings cannot be inferred from the literal meanings of the words that make them up. Translating idiomatic expressions from one language to another poses interesting debates among translation students and researchers. This study investigates how idiomatic expressions are translated under legal genres. Idiomatic expressions selected randomly from court judgments are under investigation in this study. Adopted from the concept of the idiomaticity properties suggested by Nunberg, Sag & Wasow (1994), this study examines idiomatic expressions from six dimensions, namely conventionality, inflexibility, proverbiality, informality, figuration and affect, with a comparison of the ST and TT. Three types of translation strategies, namely translation an idiom to idiom, translation by paraphrasing and translation by omission are also identified and analyzed in the translations of idiomatic expressions. It is found out that the idiomatic expressions exampled from court judgments are involved with various dimensions of idiomaticity in different degree, of which conventionality, inflexibility, figuration and affect are found in over 50% instances. The study also indicates that translating idiomatic expressions in legal context cannot be done merely upon literal level and most of the idiomatic expressions are paraphrased into non-idiomatic expressions in such a genre. On the other hand, the idiomaticity of the translated idiomatic expressions in the target text is overall diminished and the hierarchy of idiomaticity is generally changed.

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Chio, Sai Peng

Faculty of Arts and Humanities (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
Department of English



Law -- Translating -- Hong Kong



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