
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Translating for specific readers : a case study of translation of company announcements

English Abstract

Company announcements in big corporate serve as an important communication channel between the management and the staff. Translators do not necessary have the freedom for artistic expression in their texts; therefore, this study looks at to what extends translators may pursue their freedom in the translating process, and what kind of translation the business management may appreciate. This study focuses on the announcements and their translations of a company. The challenge of this research mainly lies in the material gathering. There are many different existing types of company announcements, some of them are confidential and others are open to the public. We select announcements from the company website open to the public and the author of this thesis participated in the initial translation of most of the announcement. Therefore, this thesis is a kind of self-reflection of the translations as well as a comparative study of initial translation and the edited translations. Up to now not many researchers investigated company announcement translations, even less compare the initial and the final version of the translations as well as their source texts. It is hoped through this self-reflection and comparative study, the thesis will give some implications to future practice of similar kind. v

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Wong, Hio Man

Faculty of Arts and Humanities (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
Department of English



Business announcements

Translating and interpreting



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