UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
Analise da traducao do capitulo 1 de O Mercador da Galaxia segundo aspectos teorico-praticos de traducao, Portugues/Chines
- English Abstract
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The analysis of this research project applies some translation strategies to a practical case (translation of Chapter 1 of the science fiction - The Merchant of the Galaxy). During the translation process of the text, we apply the strategies proposed in Li's (2002) work Theoretical – Practical Aspects of Translation - Portuguese/Chinese, in which he presents the functional equivalence of Nida (1964). Besides these theories, we also use Baker's (1992) theory of the ―equivalence above word level‖. The text - as the research target - includes some scenery descriptions, and for which we propose the method of cinematographic visualization - a combination of the theories of Nida (1964) and Newmark (1988). We conclude that the translation process from Chinese to Portuguese and vice-versa is complex and the appropriate translation strategies can be very helpful to translators. KEYWORDS: functional equivalence, equivalence above word level, idioms, cinematographic visualization
- Issue date
- Author
Zhou, Fu
- Faculty
- Faculty of Arts and Humanities (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
- Department
- Department of Portuguese
- Degree
- Subject
Portuguese language -- Translating into Chinese
Translating and interpreting
- Supervisor
- Files In This Item
- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991000621109706306