UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
Crisis management on Chinese micro blogging site : the case of KFC during the expired meat scandal
- English Abstract
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This research was designed to find out that the patterns of KFC social media engagement during the expired meat scandal, and to what effects. Applying situational crisis communication theory (SCCT), this research identified crisis response strategies that behind each Weibo message. After analyzed the corresponding Weibo users’ emotional feedback, we find that the combination crisis respond strategy of apology, justification and scapegoat is a useful way to address food supply chain crisis for the fast food companies. Besides, for a preventable crisis with strong attributions, the corporation should avoid utilizing justification strategy too frequently and independently. Several practical suggestions are provided in this study for corporations intending to employ social media for crisis management.
- Issue date
- Author
Sun, Zhi Chu
- Faculty
- Faculty of Social Sciences (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
- Department
- Department of Communication
- Degree
- Subject
Social media -- China
Crisis management -- China -- Case studies
Interactive multimedia
- Supervisor
Li, Ying
- Files In This Item
- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991008692739706306