
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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EU's "return to the Asia-Pacific" : motivations, characteristics and prospects

English Abstract

In recent years, with the acceleration of economic development and promotion of international status in the Asia-Pacific region, the Asia-Pacific region had become the world`s most promising, also the most dynamic region. This is a great opportunity to other developed regions and countries. After the US implemented the "Asia-Pacific rebalancing" strategy, the EU also followed with interest in the Asia-Pacific region which was affected and controlled by Europe deeply before hundreds years ago. The EU hopes to change and improve its Asia-Pacific region strategy, gets greater benefits in the Asia-Pacific market, improves its ability to get out of the economic crisis, at the same time enhances its international status and discourse power, reaches its goal of "return to Asia-Pacific" and has the aid of development in the Asia-Pacific region to promote its own development. This thesis from four cases of the Asia-Europe Meeting; the partnership of the European Union and Association of Southeast Asian Nations; the development of EU-China relations and new characteristics after the European debt crisis and the European Union`s public diplomacy, analyses the causes, evolution, existing and prospects of EU`s "return to Asia-Pacific", makes assumptions and answers. According to these elements, this thesis can sum up direction and trend of development of new EU`s Asia-Pacific region policy.

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Yu, Xin Yu

Faculty of Social Sciences (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
Department of Government and Public Administration



European Union countries -- Foreign relations -- Asia

Asia -- Foreign relations -- European Union countries

European Union countries -- Foreign relations -- Pacific Area

Pacific Area -- Foreign relations -- Pacific Area

China -- Foreign relations -- European Union countries

European Union countries -- Foreign relations -- China


Wang Jianwei

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