UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
The limitations of globalization : Chinese corporations' overseas merger and acquisitions
- English Abstract
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We are in the globalization age, and countries have been connected by close relations in politics and economy, After it carries out the 'Reform and Opening Up' policy in late 1970s, China has achieved a dramatic progress during the decades of development and become an important member of current international society. As one of the remarkable manifestations, the global expansion of Chinese corporations has attracted much attention of the world. But in recent years, there are more and more voices criticizing Chinese corporation's overseas M&As for various of considerations. It is necessary for China to improve the performances. This thesis intends to study Chinese corporation's overseas M&A activities. The study questions include that: why some of China's overseas M&As are opposed and rejected by the governments in host countries;, what are main factors that influence the decisions of government, and how they make these influences. Firstly, the thesis will make a description to the development of Chinese overseas M&As, and conclude the motivations and characteristics. Then, thesis will put forward three hypotheses to explain the study questions and make case study in the structure of hypotheses. The study chooses two Chinese corporations, CNOOC and Huawei, as the examples, and it will provide two other successful examples used to compare with COOC and Huawei, in order to make the analysis more persuasive. The case study shows that Chinese corporations failed for three main reasons. First, the governments in host countries worry that Chinese M&A activities will threat their national security, because most of these transactions are made to purchase natural resources and advanced technologies which are important components of the national power and competitive advantages. Second, Chinese corporations lack the communication experience in foreign countries, Due to the better relations with local society and the government, local corporations usually get more supports than Chinese corporations, which help them to win the M&As competition. Third, as the political system of China is distinct from the mainstream democratic system of Western countries, there is an intrinsic distrust in the communication between China and those countries. Affected by the ideological bias, the business behavior of Chinese corporation may be over interpreted. In the conclusion, on the basis of analysis and case study, the thesis provides some suggestions to resolve the problems in overseas M&As for the future development of China. Key Words: Globalization, Overseas M&A, Chinese Corporations
- Issue date
- Author
Huang, Zhang
- Faculty
- Faculty of Social Sciences (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
- Department
- Department of Government and Public Administration
- Degree
- Subject
Consolidation and merger of corporations -- China
Consolidation and merger of corporations
- Supervisor
Chen, Ding Ding
- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991007228169706306