
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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An empirical analysis of the determinants and development of EU's foreign direct investment in China

English Abstract

With the development of globalization, foreign direct investment plays a vital role in international investment In particular, as an important economic entity in the world, the EU has great economic power in developing foreign direct investment. However, owing to the financial crisis and European debt crisis, not only the EU but also China are suffering the influence and it resulted in the decrease of foreign direct investment. In this thesis, it will analyzed the determinants and development of EU's FDI in China using the empirical analysis approach and the research of determinants will be analyzed in economic, political and policy fields. Also, it will analyzed the development of EU’s foreign direct investment in China through some data. And according to the empirical analysis, it can be seen that the most important determinant of EU’s foreign direct investment in China is the GDP of China, and the problems of EU’s foreign direct investment will be presented. In the end of this thesis, the measures for these problems that the EU and China are facing will be proposed. There is no doubt that the development of EU’s foreign direct investment is not only the responsibility of the EU. China need to make more efforts to improve these problems. Key words: Empirical analysis, determinants, EU’s foreign direct investment in China

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Chen, Jia Xin

Faculty of Social Sciences (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
Department of Government and Public Administration



Chen, Ding Ding

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