UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
杜少卿形象發微 = A study of the character image of Du Shaoqing
- English Abstract
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As a key character of Rulin waishi, Du Shaoqing’s appearance in the novel not only has a connection with the structure design of this fiction, but also can help us make a further understanding about the logic development of the fiction’s narrative, and some new interpretations of deep-seated mainline underlying the text. With his unique characteristic, Du Shaoqing’s story is not only a critique of the inherent defects of intellectuals in ancient China, but also is a critique of the ambience which intensifies and justifies such defects. Meanwhile, the inner paradox of the text brought by intertextuality deserves our attention, and the portrayed feature has a problem because of some questionable details.
- Chinese Abstract
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杜少卿作為《儒林外史》中的重要人物,他在書中的出場不僅關係到該書的 結構設計,同時也有助於進一步認識小說敘事的邏輯演進及對貫穿於小說文本深 層次的主綫作出新的闡釋。作為書中一個獨特的人物,他的經歷不僅是對中國古 代知識份子自身固有的缺陷的批判,同時也是對使這樣的缺陷得以強化、正當化 的社會環境的質疑。但是在此過程中,由於互文性的運用而產生的文本內部的悖 論亦值得我們注意;而且小說塑造這一人物形象的敘事語言也有值得商榷的地 方。
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
- Department
Department of Chinese
- Degree
- Subject
Wu, Ching-Tzu, -- 1701-1754. -- Ju lin wai shih
吳敬梓, -- 1701-1754. -- 儒林外史
Wu, Ching-Tzu, -- 1701-1754 -- Characters -- Tu Shao Ching
吳敬梓, -- 1701-1754 -- 角色 -- 杜少卿
- Supervisor
- Files In This Item
- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991004614689706306