UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
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- English Abstract
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The purpose of this study is to investigate how Mainland China students evaluate the factors influencing student college choice; and also explore the differences among students’ background toward college choice; finally, also examine whether there is some differences on college choice factor evaluation between students’ enrolled in universities and not admitted to the universities. Based on research results, we provide various policy suggestions on the issue about how to recruit more Mainland China students for the Macau Higher Education System. The data were collected by using questionnaires. The questionnaires were delivered to Mainland China senior 3 students 、 Mainland China y1&y2 university students 、Macau Mainland China y1&y2 university students. A total of 811 valid questionnaires were received and the return rate is 96.5%. After analyzed, the major findings are summarized as follows: 1 S3 students considered the equipment and environment were the most important ; the y1&y2 university students evaluated the individual factors most important. All the students considered the social life at least compared with other factors. 2 Mainland China students’ evaluation toward college choice factors has differences based on gender and high school type. 2.1 The senior 3 and y1&y2 Macau Mainland China university female students concerned academic performance more than male students. vii 2.2 The senior 3 and y1&y2 Macau Mainland China university students from general high schools concerned all the 7 factor dimensions more than students from top high schools; especially on economic dimension. 3 There was significantly correlation between 3 group students’ family background、subjective socioeconomic status(SSES)、subjective single-item self-esteem(SISE) and subjective academic performance (SAP). 3.1 There was significantly correlation between parents’ education level and factor evaluations. S3 students’ fathers’ education level had significantly negative correlation with economic. The Macau Mainland China University students’ fathers’ and mother education level had significantly positive correlation with individual and significantly negative correlation with economic. 3.2 The relationship between family year income level and factor evaluation S3 students’ family year income level had significantly positive correlation with academic performance、equipment and environment. Macau Mainland China University students’ family year income level had significantly positive correlation with individual and significantly negative correlation with economic. 3.3 There was significantly correlation between students’ SSES level and factor evaluation S3 students’ SSES level had correlation with 6 factor dimensions exclude viii individual. Macau Mainland China University students’ SSES level had significantly positive correlation with social life and academic performance. Mainland China University students’ SSES level had significantly positive correlation with social life. 3.4 There was significantly correlation between students’ SISE level and factor evaluation S3 students’ and Mainland China University students’ SISE level had significantly positive correlation with source of information. Macau Mainland China University students’ SISE level had significantly positive correlation with academic performance, and its positive correlation level was the most strongest. 3.5 There was significantly correlation between students’ SAP level and factor evaluation S3 students’ and Mainland China University students’ SAP level had significantly positive correlation with social life. Macau Mainland China University students’ SAP level had significantly positive correlation with source of information, and its positive correlation level was the most strongest. 4 The students who not yet admitted to universities evaluated equipment and environment、social life、source of information and economic higher than students who had enrolled in universities.
- Chinese Abstract
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本研究旨在探討在內地就讀高三、在澳門就讀大學和在內地就讀大學這 三個組別的內地學生對選校影響因素的評價情況;進而探討不同組別不同背 景的學生與因素重要性評價之間的關係為何,以及未入讀大學和入讀大學后 的內地學生在選校因素的評價上是否存在差異。最後,為澳門高等院校在如 何招收內地學生這個議題提供相關建議。 本研究以方便抽樣法抽取 811 名內地高三學生大學一年級、二年級學生 和在澳門就讀大學一、二年級的內地大學生。發放了問卷 840 份,回收 811 份,回收率為 96.5%。研究工具為根據李天榮(2012)的「澳門高三學生選 擇高等院校因素調查問卷」所改編的「内地学生选择高等院校因素调查问 卷」。 現將研究結果歸納如下: 1 內地高三學生和大學生對選校各因素的重要性評分上各有不同。高三學 生評價最重要的構面是設備環境;大學生評價最重要的構面是個人因 素。三組學生評價最不重要的是社交與生活構面。 2 內地學生對選校因素的重要性評價因性別、高中重點/普通的不同而有 差異 2.1 在高三和在澳門就讀大學的內地學生組中,女學生在學術變現 這個構面的評分要顯著高於男學生。 2.2 高中就讀普高的高三和在澳門就讀大學的內地學生對各構面的重要 性評價總體上高於重高的,且在經濟構面的評價上普高學生比重高學生 iv 更加看重。 3 三組學生的不同家庭背景、主觀社會經濟地位(subjective socioeconomic status)、 主觀自尊水平(subjective single-item self-esteem)、主觀學業表 現(subjective academic performance )與因素評價間存在相關關係 3.1 父母親的受教育程度與因素評價的相關關係 高三學生父親的教育程度与經濟構面呈顯著的負相關;母親的教育程 度則與各因素的評價無相關關係。在澳門讀大學的內地學生:其父親和 母親的教育程度均與個人因素構面有顯著正相關;和經濟因素構面有顯 著的負相關。 3.2 家庭人均年收入水平與因素評價的相關關係 高三學生的家庭人均年收入水平與院校的學術表現、設備環境構面 呈顯著的正相關;在澳門的內地學生的家庭收入水平與個人因素構面呈 顯著的正相關,與經濟因素構面則呈顯著的負相關 3.3 學生的主觀社會經濟地位(SSES)與各選校因素重要性評價間存在 相關關係 高三學生的 SSES 與除個人因素外的六個構面相關;澳門內地大學 生的 SSES 與社交與生活、學術表現、他人影響構面有顯著的正相關 關係;內地大學生的主觀社會經濟地位水平僅與社交與生活構面呈顯 著的正相關關係。 3.4 學生的主觀自尊水平(SISE)與各選校因素重要性評價存在相關關 係 高三和內地大學生的主觀自尊水平評分均與資訊構面呈顯著的正 v 相關;自我評價自尊水平越高的在澳門的內地大學生,對學術構面 的評價越高,兩者的相關程度最強。 3.5 學生的主觀學業成績(SAP)與各選校因素重要性評價存在相關關 係 高三和內地大學生的主觀學業成績均與社交與生活構面呈顯著的 正相關;澳門的內地大學生卻與資訊來源構面的正相關強度最高。 4 未入讀大學的高三學生在設備環境、社交與生活、資訊來源和經濟因素 構面的評價都顯著高於已入讀大學的學生。 關鍵詞: 內地學生 選校因素 澳門高等教育
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
Faculty of Education
- Degree
- Subject
College choice -- Macau
升讀大專院校之選擇 -- 澳門
College choice -- China
升讀大專院校之選擇 -- 中國
High school graduates -- Macau
高中畢業生 -- 澳門
High school graduates -- China
高中畢業生 -- 中國
Postsecondary education
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- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991001046369706306