
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Cyber bullying : recommendations for program implementation in Macau

English Abstract

The rapid development of technology over the past decades has brought about numerous benefits but also issues such as cyber bullying around the world. Cyber bullying has been haunting a lot of young people as it torments the mental health and life of the victims. Researchers have endeavored to explore ways to suppress these aggressive behaviors. Since there is an absence of related literature or research done for Macau, this study make use of empirical research to help understand the problem of cyber bullying in order to recommend an ideal program to be implemented in schools of Macau for fighting against cyber bullying. This study reviews the literature which covers different aspects of cyber bullying – the definitions of cyber bullying, online behaviors, cyber bullying behaviors, anonymity and its role in cyber bullying, reasons and responses for the offense, the impacts on victims and also the protective measures adopted by different stakeholders. It is suggested that schools in Macau should join forces with the students and parents in order to appropriately respond to cyber bullying. The schools should implement an ideal program which consists of seven initiatives: encouraging students to join extra-curricular activities, devising manual of cyber bullying countermeasures for teachers, arranging training workshop for teachers, giving in-class lessons about cyber bullying to students, distributing leaflets or newsletter of cyber bullying to parents, offering student counseling services in schools and setting up anonymous reporting system. Questionnaires and interviews will be conducted before and after the implementation in the intervention school and comparison school, in order to assess the outcomes and impact of implementing the ideal program. In addition, Cyber Bullying: Recommendations for Program Implementation in Macau 5 program evaluation may help to provide insights on further improvement required for the program.

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Un, Mio I

Faculty of Social Sciences (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
Department of Sociology



Cyberbullying -- Macau

Bullying -- Macau

Bullying in schools -- Macau

Computer crimes -- Macau

Internet and teenagers -- Macau


Hilal, Susan Mary

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