
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Cross-context transfer of electronic title documents

English Abstract

By the popularity of Internet, electronic bill of lading is a typical topic nowadays. It facilitates the logistic operation, minimizes the required time and enhances the overall accuracy. However, legal transfer of electronic title document across heterogeneous contexts is a challenging research problem in e-commerce and implies a wider e-commerce transaction scope. This kind of title transfer requires semantic consistency, confidentiality, integrity and legality between transferor and transferee. During the title transfer, cross-context semantic consistency must first be maintained between electronic title documents for legal title transfer while other requirements are considered. This article investigates the formation and transfer of electronic title document between the heterogeneous e-business systems in electronic marketplace. It mainly provides the solution of designing a generic and secure title document template, endorsing mechanism to transfer a title document securely between heterogeneous systems and ensuring a title document is independent of any heterogeneous contexts. It proposes a Cross-Context E-Title (CCET) approach, which satisfies the above requirements for title transfer. Based on CCET approach, a CCET prototype is further implemented, on which some experiments are made to test the correctness and performance of the proposed approach.

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Wong, Wai Lin

Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Computer and Information Science



Electronic commerce

Information technology -- Management


Guo, Jing Zhi

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