
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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A study of juvenile delinquency and family supervision style in Macau

English Abstract

This study focuses on family supervision styles and practices in relation to juvenile delinquency in Macau. The family is the primary agent of socialization and parental supervision has a strong influence on the development of juvenile delinquency. The impact of juvenile delinquency damages not only victims but also the community and society. This results in an increase of the efforts of government agencies, policy makers, and other juvenile justice systems. In Macau, some research was done and results were obtained a long time ago. Research to investigate the influence of family supervision styles and practices on juvenile delinquency in Macau is necessary. The research design of an empirical research paper was chosen for this study. The survey target was Form 1 to Form 6 students with a sample size of 148. The study focused on whether the factors of family attachment, parental evaluation, family pressure, family support, family structure, and family size influence the delinquency of students. The findings showed that the variables family attachment, family support, and family structure are associated with juvenile delinquency. Poor parental evaluation, family pressure, and family size were not related to juvenile delinquency. Moreover, the findings suggested that peers are also an important factor that affects students,decision making. Therefore, I recommend that future research should focus more on the influence of peers on juvenile delinquency.

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Leong, Mei Yun

Faculty of Social Sciences (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
Department of Sociology



Juvenile delinquency -- Macau

Families -- Macau

Parenting -- Macau


Li, De

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