UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
"說文.女部"漢字的文化內涵 = The cultural connotation of the radical women in Shuowenjiezi
- English Abstract
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Shuowenjiezi is the first radical dictionary in the history of China, which has recorded rich and colorful linguistic data of ancient words. The dictionary is an important literature in the study of ancient culture and relationship between Chinese language and culture. The radical women is one of the enormous division in Shuowenjiezi. 238 Chinese characters in radical women intensively reflect abundant feminine culture, which reveal the changes of female status from customs of social and marriage, family relationships, social relationships in different stages of social development. The paper takes the radical women as the research subject. On the basis of checking all the 238 Chinese characters and Chinese myths to study the relationship between forms and meanings of these characters and their changes. A systematic and statistical way to compare the radical women in both Dictionary of Chinese Characters and Shuowenjiezi, to study the underling cultural connotations and development trend. Keywords: Shuowenjiezi; the radical women; Chinese myth fable; culture
- Chinese Abstract
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《說文解字 》是中國曆史上第一部創造部首,據形釋義的字典,保存了大量古代漢字音、形、義的豐富資料,對於漢字以及漢字文化內涵的研究有著極其重要的參考價值。 “女”部作為《說文 》最大的部首之一,238個女字旁漢字集中反映了古代社會的女性世界,完整地記錄了女性在氏族社會變革中的婚姻關係、家庭關係、社會關係,蘊含豐富的歷史文化內涵。 本文以《說文 》女部漢子為分析和研究對象,立足於《說文 》和神話傳說中大量語料的基礎上,分析“女”部漢字形義關係,並用系統、統計和比較的方法,比較統計《漢語大字典 》與《說文 》“女”部收字的情況,探究“女”部漢字所攜帶的社會文化內涵以及發展趨勢。
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
- Faculty of Arts and Humanities (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
- Department
- Department of Chinese Language and Literature (former name: Department of Chinese)
- Degree
- Subject
Hsu, Shen, -- -120? -- Shuo wen chieh tzu
許慎, -- 卒於 120? -- 說文解字
Chinese language -- Etymology
漢語 -- 字源學
Chinese language -- Etymology -- Early works to 1800
漢語 -- 字源學 -- 至 1800 年作品集
- Supervisor
- Files In This Item
- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991005124269706306