UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
粤語流行曲歌詞語言特點研究 = Study on the linguistic characteristics of Canton Pop lyrics
- English Abstract
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Based on the theory of linguistics, and guided of the theory of social linguistics and Grammar, this thesis had a tentative study on the linguistic characteristics of the lyrics of Canton Pop from lexics and Grammar angles. Include of the features of the lyrics, the lexical system, the grammar using and some rhetoric features. This thesis can be divided into six parts, except the introduction and conclusion part, there are four chapters. The introduction explained the reason of studying on the lyrics of Canton Pop. The first chapter, expatiated on the origin and the development process of Canton Pop, and the research situation. The second chapter, investigated the features of the lyrics of Canton Pop, with quantitative and quantitative analysis. The third chapter, expatiated on the commonly used grammatical devices of the lyrics of Canton Pop from Morphology and Syntax angles, which are Inversion and Iteration. Besides, supplied two commonly used figures of speech, that are "transferred epithet" and "word separated". The conclusion part, summed up the main results of this thesis. Key words: lyrics; Cantonese; vocabulary; grammar
- Chinese Abstract
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本文以語言學理論為基礎,以社會語言學和語法學的理論為指導,將粵語流行曲的歌詞作為一種言語存在,從詞彙構成和語法運用等角度進行了一次嘗試性的研究。力圖客觀、全面地描繪出粵語流行曲這一語音文體的語言特色,包括其歌詞面貌、詞彙系統的構成、語法方面的使用特色以及部分修辭特征等。 本文全篇共六個部分,除引言和結語部分外,正文一共有四章。引言部分,說明以粵語流行曲歌詞作為研究載體的思路:第一章,詳細闌述了粵語流行曲的起源、發展曆程及研究概況;第二章,用定量和定性結合的分析方法考察了粵語流行曲歌詞的整體面貌;第三章,從詞彙構成和特色用詞方面對粵語流行曲歌詞的詞彙特征進行了考察;第四章,從詞法和句法的角度對粵語流行曲歌詞中最常見的“倒裝”和“重疊”兩種語法手段進行了詳細考察,並補充了“移就”和“拆詞”兩種在粵語流行曲歌詞中使用較多的辭格。最後為結語部分,總結了本文的研究工作。 關鍵詞:歌詞;粵語;詞彙;語法
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
- Faculty of Arts and Humanities (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
- Department
- Department of Chinese Language and Literature (former name: Department of Chinese)
- Degree
- Subject
Lyric writing (Popular music)
抒情作品寫作 (流行音樂)
Popular music -- Writing and publishing -- Hong Kong
流行音樂; 流行歌曲 -- 作曲/作詞及問世 -- 香港
Popular music -- Hong Kong -- Texts
流行音樂; 流行歌曲 -- 香港 -- 文本研究, 歌詞研究等
Songs, Chinese -- Hong Kong -- Texts
香港歌曲 (漢語) -- 文本研究, 歌詞研究等
- Supervisor
- Files In This Item
- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991005124199706306