
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


論王家衛電影的懷舊現象 = Nostalgia phenomenon in the films of Wong Kar-wai

English Abstract

This thesis participates in the development of an in-depth study of the nostalgic phenomenon in Wong Kar-wai's films. In this piece of research one of my aims is to show how the collective nostalgia is developed in Wong’s and other Hong Kong film directors’ works. A second aim of my study is to demonstrate that Wong’ nostalgia is different froM other Hong Kong film directors in terms of being more personal. My final aim is to examine the three kinds of nostalgia embodied in Wong’s films. And to do these three areas will be discussed. First, a historical research on the development of collective nostalgia in Hong Kong film industry will be conducted. I focus on the similarity and interactivity of the two cities (Hong Kong and Shanghai) from two major perspectives. One is related to the cities’ history, geography and urban landscape. The other one mainly concerns three significant characteristics expressed in Shanghai culture (hai pai wenhua) which are gentle, receptive and layman orientated. In fact, the Shanghai immigrants did not only bring these Shanghai cultural influences to Hong Kong but also their wealth. Second, the personal experience of Wong Kar-wai will be studied in order to distinguish Wong’s nostalgia from those of the other film directors. Lastly, three kinds of nostalgia - trying to return to a fixed origin, being skeptical to one’s homeland and searching for one’s (cultural)identity = will be exemplified through Wong Kar-wai’s major works. The reason (s) why Wong includes these nostalgic elements in his films are also discussed. I believe that we can have a better understanding of the nostalgic phenomenon in Wong Kar-war’s films through a thorough study on the collective nostalgia and the personal nostalgia embodied in his works.

Chinese Abstract

本文以當前人們對王家衛電影中的“懷舊”研究上需要深化認識的問題作為討論重點。這些問題可以歸結為三個方面:一是王家衛與其他香港導演集體懷舊的共性原由;二是王家衛的個人懷舊有別于其他香港導演的成因;三是王家衛電影中“懷舊”的三個方式。為此,本文從以下三個方面展開相應的研討: 第一、通過對當代香港電影集體懷舊上海這一現象的曆史考究。弄清上海與香港在歷史地緣、都市景觀上的相似性和互動性,是這兩座城市互為雙城的客觀原因;而海派文化固有的陰柔性、開放性、通俗性這三個特徵之魅力張力滲透和南來海派遷居香港之人力財力推動則是構成海派文化給當代香港電影以深刻影響的人文原因。試圖揭示王家衛與其他香港導演集體懷舊上海的共性原因。 第二、通過對王家衛個人經歷的全面透視,試圖揭示王家衛特殊的個人經曆是構成其個體懷舊有別于其他香港導演的內在原因。 第三、通過對王家衛電影中懷舊方式的理性分析,首先弄清王家衛電影中所呈現的現代性懷舊的三種形態:回歸式懷舊、反思式懷舊和認同式懷舊,進而對體現每種形態的王家衛電影的相應文本進行分析。試圖揭示王家衛電影中運用這三種懷舊方式的意圖所在。 結合以上三個方面,從共性與個性上正確把握王家衛電影的懷舊現象。

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Faculty of Arts and Humanities (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
Department of Chinese Language and Literature (former name: Department of Chinese)



王家衛, 1958- 評論及解釋

王家衛, -- 1958- -- 評論及解釋

Motion picture producers and directors -- Hong Kong

電影監製及導演 -- 香港



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