UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
The effects of the booming gaming industry on Macao's public finance and future economic development
- English Abstract
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Gaming industry has been the leading industry in Macao. In studying the gaming industry in Macao, it was found that the gaming industry has affected the political, social and economic aspects of Macao. However, due to the limitation of resources, this thesis focuses on how the economic roles of government have been affected by the gaming industry. The most relevant theory for this discussion, Richard A. Musgrave’s theory on the economic functions of public finance, is employed in this thesis. Through examining the economic performance of the Macao government, it was found that the Macao government had been able to fulfill only the allocation function under the negative impacts of the booming gaming industry. The booming gaming industry was found to be the cause of the widening income gap in Macao and the short term boom might have come at the expense of long term development and stability. In order to increase the Macao government’s capacity in its income distribution and economic stabilization functions, it is suggested in this thesis that the Macao government should restructure Macao’s economy during the current financial downturn. Some potential directions of economic restructuring are examined in this thesis, in the hope of stimulating more discussions and arousing attention to the sustainable development of Macao. The potential economic restructuring strategies examined in this thesis include: cross-border industry; economic cooperation with Guangxi; platform linking China to Lusofonia Countries; logistics center; and diversified tourism. This thesis concludes that successful economic restructuring requires a determined and substantial effort from the Macao government.
- Issue date
- Author
Chio, Si Nga
- Faculty
- Faculty of Social Sciences (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
- Department
- Department of Government and Public Administration
- Degree
- Subject
Gambling -- Macau
Public finance -- Macau
Economic development -- Macau
Macau -- Economic conditions -- 1999-
- Supervisor
- Files In This Item
- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991004032859706306