
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

One of the policies address by the Macao SAR Government in 2007 is to enhance students pre-service counseling and further studies, letting them to have adequate resources to plan for their careers¹. Resolving the workforce issue by focusing on how to cultivate human resources with good qualities has recently been a hot topic concerning all walks of life. With regard on this, this study aims to evaluate the degree of self-identity and other psychological characteristics of students in a public secondary school, hoping to understand the outcomes from the career planning courses and activities provided by the relevant educational institutes to the high school students. Researcher used a number of scales of good reliability and validity as the data collection tool to pretest and posttest, and conducted focus groups with the students. All collected quantity data were converted into ANOVA test, pair t-test, and hierarchical multiple regression analysis method for processing. The result shows that boys and girls have a significant difference in self-identity scale scores in pretest. Researcher also conducted a personal interview with the teacher teaching in the relevant courses and activities to see their effectiveness. By suggesting concrete solutions to the educators and the Educational Bureaus as references when constituting educational policies, researcher hope that career education can be effectively implemented within high schools in Macao, also expect self-identity development among adolescents can be facilitated, so as to reducing their drop out ratio, and eventually enhancing the quality of human resources in Macao. Key words: education policy, career education

Chinese Abstract

加強升學與職前輔導工作,讓靑少年掌握充足的資訊以進行生涯規劃爲特區政府二〇〇七年度施政方針之一¹ 。而如何培育具素質的人力以解決人才的問題, 更是近年各界熱切關注的議題。所以本研究欲透過評估某公立中學的高中學生的自我統合及其他心理特質的狀況,以了解相關教育機構提供的生涯教育課程和活動對於高中學生的影響及成效。研究者以多個具有良好信度和效度的量表作爲蒐集資料的工具,分別對學生進行前測和後測以及焦點小組。所得量化資料以變異數檢驗、雙樣本平均數檢驗以及多元迴歸階層分析法進行處理;結果發現男女生在前測自我統合量表的得分具有顯著的差異,另外,也會以教授此課程的中學老師進行個別訪談;以檢視相關課程及活動之成效,並提出具體的建議方案,供本澳教育工作者和教育當局作爲制訂教育政策之參考,使生涯教育於本澳各間中學有效推行,並促進青少年自我統合發展、減少高中學生離校和輟學的問題,以及提升人力質素。 關鍵詞:教育政策、生涯教育

Issue date




Faculty of Social Sciences (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
Department of Government and Public Administration



Career education -- Macau

事業教育 -- 澳門

Continuing education -- Macau

延續教育 -- 澳門

High school students -- Macau

高中學生 -- 澳門



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