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論道家精神在余華小說中的顯現 : 以"活著"為個案 = Taoism and contemporary Chinese author Yu Hua's fictions : based on the case of "To live"

English Abstract

This paper based on the case of “TO LIVE”, discusses the Taoist spirit contained in Yu Hua's Fiction and digs out the Classical Chinese Philosophy's Far-reaching impact and artistic vitality in Contemporary Fictions. This paper is divided into six parts: First of all, the introduction summarizes the previous researches on Yu Hua, and points out the originality of the research viewing angle and the research purpose and significance. According to the Analysis of “To live” from the Interpretation of life ,The first chapter points out the match point of the concepts of life and the Taoist philosophy—the fate based on the exchanging of the “Happiness” and the “Disaster”, and the life turns back to the beginning of the rehabilitation as an important Guiding ideology, and discusses the writer's unique writing points of view from the Philosophical dimensions, it also reflects the writer's view of the “Human rules” and the “Nature rules”. According to the surviving of the characters in the fiction, Chapter 2 discusses the life's continue and Fu Gui’s Personality traits—The inherent relationship between the “weakness” and “no pursuit”, and the fiction's reflection to the Philosophy of “useless is good use”. From the view of the concept of human nature’s changing appears in Yu Hua's “To Live”, Chapter 3 discusses the impact on the write from the Taoist philosophy of “nature" , in the fiction it appears strong reflection to the Alienation of human nature brought by the Alienation of modern urban, and the Natural inaction which advocated by the writer on the levels of life and politics in the fiction, and draws a conclusion that the writer’s concept of human nature changes from evil to natural. According to the fiction’s features of the language and narrative, Chapter 4 analyzes the changes in Yu Hua's artistic style and its underlying causes from the perspective of Taoist philosophy. Part VI, Conclusion

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Faculty of Arts and Humanities (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
Department of Chinese Language and Literature (former name: Department of Chinese)



Yu, Hua, -- 1960- -- Criticism and interpretation

余華, -- 1960- -- 評論及解釋

Yu, Hua, -- 1960- . -- Huo che

余華, -- 1960- . -- 活著

Chinese fiction -- 20th century -- History and criticism

中國小說 -- 20 世紀 -- 歷史及評論

Taoism in literature


China -- Civilization -- Taoist influences

中國 -- 文化 -- 道教對其的影響



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