
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


當代澳門民眾戲劇先行者 : 周樹利 = The forerunner of contemporary Macau community theatre : Chow Shui Lee

English Abstract

Abstract In the prosperous modern society, most people are materialistic. Therefore, the sense of social responsibility and moral are neglected. However, a drama-lover in his fifties insisted on promoting his 'drama popularization' idea to the society in the past 30 years. He trained numerous drama performers and tried to make his idea true on his words and acts. Hence, this thesis aims on showing gratitude to the forerunner that devoted a lot of energy and time on 'drama popularization', with a description on his contribution in a clear manner. There are 3 parts of the study, the first chapter describes the experience, history, function and contribution from the practical point of view on Mr. Chow Shui Lee, the second chapter mainly illustrates two of his production <>《簡陋劇場劇集》and <>>《簡陋劇場劇集〔續篇〕》to analyze his thoughts and features of arts application. The third chapter mainly focuses on the features of his arts practice and the methodology of his script editing with a deep discussion. In addition, the discussion combines the reality of the modern society to illuminate the definition of promoting community theatre. Key words: Community theatre Poor theatre Chow Shui Lee

Chinese Abstract

內容提要 在現今繁榮進步的社會中,一般人只重視物質的享受及感官的生活,因此令心靈貧乏,缺乏對社會的責任感或道德觀念,更不要談公民意識。而在這混濁的洪流中,難得有一位年過半百的戲劇愛好者,三十多年來一直堅持自己的理念,不斷在澳門推動民眾戲劇,並把民眾戲劇融入普羅大眾的生活之中,在他的戲劇路途中培訓了當代澳門很多傑出的戲劇人材,而自己更以言以行去實踐理念,故此,本文特別向這位對澳門民眾戲劇運動不遺餘力的先行者致敬,並把他多年來的貢獻作整理其加以論述。 本文研究分三部分,第一章從實踐角度論述周樹利先生從事戲劇活動的經歷、作用及貢獻;第二章主要論述周樹利先生的兩部作品《簡陋劇場劇集》《簡陋劇場劇集〔續篇〕》,分析其思想藝術特徵;第二章主要歸納周樹利先生的藝術實踐和劇本創作的方向性特點:民眾性。在具體論析中,與目前社會、時代的實際情況結合起來,說明推動民眾戲劇的意義。 關鍵詞:民眾戲劇 簡陋劇場 周樹利

Issue date




Faculty of Arts and Humanities (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
Department of Chinese Language and Literature (former name: Department of Chinese)



Chou, Shu Li, -- 1938- -- Criticism and interpretation

周樹利, -- 1938- -- 評論及解釋

Chinese drama -- Macau -- 20th century -- History and criticism

中國戲劇 -- 澳門 -- 20 世紀 -- 歷史及評論

Dramatic criticism -- Macau

戲劇批評 -- 澳門

Macau drama -- History and criticism

澳門戲劇文學 -- 歷史及評論



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