
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


論靳以短篇小說的浪漫主義風格 = The romantic style on the short stories of Jin Yi

English Abstract

Abstract Jin Yi(1909 - 1959), the writer, editor, and professor. His original name is Zhang Fangxu, He become famous for SHENG XING which is published with his pen name JinYi. In 1934, he and Zheng Zhenduo started Literary Quarterly, from then on he is on a life-long road as a literary editor. Although Jin Yi only had five decades of lives history, his contribution to modern Chinese literature is indelible. He not only practiced writing of modern Chinese literature and actively taked part in editing Chinese modern literary journal, what`s more, he trained a large number of modern Chinese literature of the author, editors and researchers, which show that Jin Yin used his own life to enrich modern Chinese literature. His short stories are much greater in amount. He is quite good at writing Belorussians in Harbin, which is familiar to people. His works are rich in a lot of sensitive feelings and have the strong romantic style. In the early literature life of Jin Yi, his evaluation and status of literature are very high, and even on the same level with Ba Jin. His romantic style in his short stories has also been found and respected in the literature field. The romantic track which is presented by his short stories is like a mirror. It can reflect the advancement and development of Modern Chinese Literature in the Romantic. By studying the short stories of Jin Yi, we can illuminate and understand the characteristics of Chinese modern romanticism from a new perspective, and at the same time we can make the concept of modern Chinese romanticism in his works specific and clear.

Chinese Abstract

摘要 靳以 (1909——1959),中國現代作家、編輯家、教授。其原名為章方敍。用筆名靳以發表小說《圣型》而成名. 1934年他與鄭振鐸共同創辦《文學季刊》,而後走上了長達一生的文學編輯之路。靳以的生命雖然只有五十年的歷程,但是他對於中國現代文學的貢獻是不可磨滅的。他不但身體力行地參與中國現代文學寫作,積極參與編輯中國現代文學刊物,還培養了大批的中國現代文學的創作者、編輯和研究者,可以說靳以是在用自己的一生豐富和滋養著中國現代文學。靳以的短篇小說數量頗多,以擅長寫在哈爾濱的白俄羅斯人生活為當時的人們所熟識。他的作品感情豐富,筆觸細膩,有濃厚的浪漫主義風格。在靳以的文學生命裏,早期的文學評價和文學地位是相當高的,曾經一度與巴金先生比肩。他小說中的浪漫主義風格也已經被當時的文學界所發現和推崇。靳以短篇小說所呈現的“浪漫軌跡”就像一面光潔的鏡子映照著中國現代浪漫主義文學的前進與發展。通過研究靳以的短篇小說,可以從一個全新的角度來詮釋和理解中國現代浪漫主義的特徵,同時也可以讓中國現代浪漫主義的概念在作品中具體化,清晰化。

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Faculty of Arts and Humanities (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
Department of Chinese Language and Literature (former name: Department of Chinese)



Chin, I, -- 1909-1959 -- Criticism and interpretation

靳以, -- 1909-1959 -- 評論及解釋

Short stories, Chinese -- 20th century -- History and criticism

中國短篇小說 -- 20 世紀 -- 歷史及評論

Chinese literature -- 20th century -- History and criticism

中國文學 -- 20 世紀 -- 歷史及評論

Romanticism -- China -- 20th century

浪漫主義 -- 中國 -- 20 世紀



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