UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
Deconstruction of the Disney Princess Empire
- English Abstract
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This thesis attempts to address the issue whether or not Disney changes its definition of heroines in its latest animated features compared with earlier animated features. Through analyzing and comparing representations of the same heroines from different production times, this paper also aims to address the issue of whether those values and ideologies that Disney transmits through representations of heroines of its latest animated sequels are within the framework of Disney Universe or not. One of the major findings of this paper is that Disney has changed representation of heroines in its latest animated sequels; still those changes are within the framework of Disney preferred values and ideologies. One perspective that can be adopted to understand those changes found in Disney representation of the same heroines at different production times is the economic perspective; through those changes of representations of its heroines, Disney tries to market myriad products to consumers in the market of global popular culture. Disney gives a 'new' definition to its heroines, whom it defines as princesses, with the aim to keep and to extend its market share in global popular culture. Disney establishes a brand called Disney Princess by incorporating heroines from its different animated features. It sets this brand as a lifestyle brand by offering cultural products that touch every aspect of consumers' life under images of those Disney princesses. In 2005, this brand reached 300% growth in the global sale compared with the sale figure of 2002. Through releasing sequels to those animated features from which members of the Disney Princess belong with the re-release of those original animated features, Disney does not only remind its current consumers the existence of those princess characters, it also reminds them of those values and ideologies that those characters stand for. Together with other cultural products that are produced under images of those Disney princesses, Disney keeps its preferred values and ideologies highly visible than others in the global popular culture.
- Issue date
- Author
Cheang, I Ian
- Faculty
- Faculty of Social Sciences (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
- Department
- Department of Communication
- Degree
- Subject
Popular culture -- United States
Intercultural communication
Women in popular culture
Feminist criticism
- Supervisor
Liu Shih Diing
- Files In This Item
- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991002638309706306