
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


Analyzing the changing pattern of strategies for organizing mega-sporting events in China

English Abstract

This thesis examines the changing pattern of strategies which the Chinese government uses to organize large-scale sporting events, specifically the 1990 Beijing Asian Games and the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. It focuses on the internal efforts of the Chinese government to prepare for the Games during two periods of time. The first period ranges from May 17th 1985 to September 5th 1990, and covers the preparation for the 1990 Asian Games. The second time period ranges from August 9th 2001 to December 31St 2005, and covers preparation for the 2008 Olympic Games. This thesis examines the news stories from the flagship Chinese party newspaper-People's Daily-during these two periods of time. The theoretical model of organizational management is employed to analyze the strategies of the Chinese government. People's Daily is a mouthpiece used by the government to organize domestic efforts and promote the Party's agenda. The content analysis focuses on the changing pattern of strategies which the Chinese government uses to prepare for the 1990 Asian Games and the 2008 Olympic Games and also the ways in which the citizens are encouraged to prepare for the Games. The result reveals that the organizing strategies used by the Chinese government for the two separate mega-sporting events have indeed been changing. For the 1990 Asian Games, the strategies used by the Chinese government to encourage the people to prepare for the games was based on the principles of machine theory; in preparation for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, on the other hand, they adopted human relations theory. The strategies employed by the Chinese government are changing in a systematic way which is correlated to the shift in external environmental conditions over the past twenty years, such as economic development, media reform and a change in audience.

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Zhang, Cui

Faculty of Social Sciences (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
Department of Communication



Communication in organizations -- China

Sports and state -- China

Government and the press -- China

Mass media policy -- China


Chen, Huai Lin

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