
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


The magic wand : mobile phone use and Fujian entrepreneurs in China

English Abstract

Similar to the invention of telephony in the 19th century, mobile phone technology was initially used by business people for business-oriented activities. Businessmen, especially small and medium sized entrepreneurs, have always interacted via the mobile phone and become one of the crucial user groups of this device. Their use habits have thus contributed to the development of the mobile phone which in turn has transformed the business practice of its users. However, despite the importance in transforming the business operation and entrepreneurship in our society, there have been limited studies that examined individual business users of mobile phones in the communication field, and there have been even fewer studies exploring the social meaning of this particular type of mobile phone use. While a couple of papers exist on mobile phone use by businessmen in African countries, studies on mobile phone use of Chinese entrepreneurs are nearly nonexistent, though Chinese businessmen were among the earliest adopters of mobile phones and account for one of the most important groups of mobile phone usage in China's mobile population of 539 million, which is the largest in the world. This study, applying combined theories of social shaping of technology, domestication and affordance theory, analyzes the social roles of the mobile phone constructed by its users. It particularly focuses on mobile phone usage of entrepreneurs in Fujian Province, China, as Fujian businessmen have been characterized as one of the most diligent and successful business communities in the current world of globalization. Through qualitative analysis of interviews, this study examines the mobile phone usage of Fujian entrepreneurs in relation to the characteristics of their business practices and entrepreneurial culture, and more importantly, the study explores the innovative uses generated by users which are afforded by technical attributes of the mobile phone. Research findings indicate that social characteristics of Fujian entrepreneurs are substantially enhanced by mobile phone technology. For the entrepreneurs, to make full use of the mobile phone represents their endeavors to deal with severe business competition. Meanwhile, as a highly interactive artifact, the mobile phone provides a range of affordances for the entrepreneurs to generate a variety of innovative uses for their business success. Finally, the entrepreneurs constructed various kinds of social roles and meanings for their mobile phone use. The mobile phone is considered as an "omnipotent business tool", a "friend", a "platform for staging a tricky performance in business negotiations," and above all, a "magic wand" in the life of Fujian entrepreneurs.

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Lin, Hai Yun

Faculty of Social Sciences (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
Department of Communication



Mobile communication systems -- Social aspects

Cellular telephones -- Social aspects

Entrepreneurship -- China



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