
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


韓世忠梁紅玉故事演變研究 = A research on the evolution of story between Han Shizhong and Liang Hongyu

English Abstract

ABSTRACT This essay has a research objective to study the ancient story of Liang Hongyu and Han Shizhong with a major focus om the historical evolution of the literary works based on the Liang-Han story. Comparison and analysis is then performed on different plot elements on the story. Comprehensive modeling the literary image of Han Shizhong and Liang Hongyu. "Chapter I: Introduction" illustrates the significance and scope of this essay, with a review on the previous academic research on the Han-Liang story. This section also describes the objective and methodology chosen by this research. "Chapter II: The evolution on the story of Han Shizhong and Liang Hongyu, and a study on related literary works" illustrates how the story of Han Shizhong and Liang Hongyu evolves from time to time between Song dynasty, Yuan dynasty, Ming dynasty and Qing dynasty. Characteristics and forms of the story in different periods are discussed with a study of related literary works, documents and data. "Chapter III: The comparison of various plots in the story of Han Shizhong and Liang Hongyu" focuses on comparing several major plots in the story of Han Shizhong and Liang Hongyu inside different literary works, including "Background and encounter of Han Shizhong and Liang Hongyu", "Capture of Fang La and suppress of the rebellion led by Miao and Liu", "Beating of wardrums to defeat Jin navy at Huang Tin Dang", "Outrage on Qin gui and retreat back to Xi Hu". The chapter dissects how different versions handle the same plot in different ways with different creative approaches, which reflects different intention of the author. Then the chapter discusses on how the literary image of Han Shizhong and Liang Hongyu gets formulated. "Conclusion" concludes the whole essay and recaps the three major arguments of this research.

Chinese Abstract

提要 本文以古代韓世忠梁紅玉故事為研究對象,主要探討韓梁故事作品的歷史演變,對比分析故事的情節單元,綜論韓世忠、梁紅玉文學形象的塑造。 《第一章 緒論》首先說明本文研究的意義與範圍,並對韓梁故事的學術研究進行回顧,最後闡述本文的研究目的與方法。 《第二章 韓世忠梁紅玉故事的演變及相關文獻考說》主要對韓梁故事在宋、元、明、清四朝的演變作一勾勒,指出各時期故事的形態特點,並對相關作品及文獻資料進行考說。 《第三章 韓世忠梁紅玉故事情節析論》集中對比分析“韓梁的出身與邂逅”、“征方臘與討苗、劉”、“黃天蕩擊鼓退金兵”、“怒斥秦檜與西湖退隱”等主要情節,剖析各部作品對相同情節的不同處理,說明其創作手法的差異和所反映的作者意圖,進而對韓世忠、梁紅玉文學形象的塑造過程進行探討。 《結論》收結全文,說明本文研究所得出的三個主要論點。

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Faculty of Arts and Humanities (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
Department of Chinese Language and Literature (former name: Department of Chinese)



Han, Shih Chung, -- 1090-1151 -- Criticism and Interpretation

韓世忠, -- 1090-1151 -- 評論及解釋

Liang, Hung Yu, -- active 1130 -- Criticism and Interpretation

梁紅玉, -- 活躍於 1130 -- 評論及解釋

Chinese drama -- Song dynasty, 960-1279 -- History and criticism

中國戲劇 -- 宋代, 960-1279 -- 歷史及評論

Chinese fiction -- History and criticism

中國小說 -- 歷史及評論



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