
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

ABSTRACT This dissertation aims to study the changes in the status of Chinese language in Macao before and after Reunification, and to reflect the positive and negative effects the rapid social changes of Macao before and after Reunification. The dissertation attempts to describe the changes in status of Chinese language in Macao before and after Reunification from different aspects, and deduces the reasons why Chinese language was not valued before Reunification, and has become a dominant language after Reunification. The dissertation also analyses the trends of development of Chinese language in the future, pointing out the importance of promoting and paying attention to the status of Chinese language in Macao. The dissertation is divided into four chapters, chapter one being the history of Macao. From the entry of the Portuguese into Macao to the establishment of the Senate to exercise self-administration, from the peaceful existence with the Chinese population to the expansion and occupation of Macao, the general direction of history modelled the complicated relations between Portugal and Macao over the past 400 years. Chapter two observes the changes in the status of Chinese language in Macao from its foundation to Reunification in the fields of law and administration, instruction and social life. Chapter three echoes the previous to explore the status after Reunification, with the context of the status before Reunification. Chapter four analyses the problems existed for the Chinese language in Macao and the possible measures of improvement. The Conclusion chapter mainly concludes the dissertation, and from when Chinese language has become an official language in 1992, the opinions on the development of Chinese language before and after Reunification and the changes of the society in Macao are expressed and suggestions proposed.

Chinese Abstract

本文提要 本文旨在研究澳門回歸前後中文在澳門地位的變化,並從中反思澳門回歸前後社會急劇變化帶來的正、負面影響。本文試從不同的面向去闡述澳門回歸前後中文在澳門地位的變化,歸納出中文在回歸前不受重視,回歸後卻能成為主導語言的原因,分析中文今後在澳門的發展趨勢,指出在澳門推廣和關注中文地位的重要性。 全文共分四章,第一章寫澳門的歷史概況,從葡萄牙人入據澳門到他們成立議事會自治管理,並與華人共處分治的和平局面,及至擴張到佔領澳門的階段。 當中從歷史的大方向引出葡萄牙與澳門 400 多年糾纏不清的關係。第二章由澳門開埠到回歸前分四階段從法律及行政、教學、社會生活等不同的側面去窺視中文地位在澳門的變化。第三章呼應第二章就回歸前的情況來探討回歸後中文在澳門的地位。第四章分析中文在澳門存在的問題及改善措施。結語部分主要總結全文, 並從 1992 年中文正式落實為官方語言開始,筆者對澳門回歸前後中文的發展及社會變化的感想及建議。

Issue date




Faculty of Arts and Humanities (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
Department of Chinese Language and Literature (former name: Department of Chinese)



Chinese language -- Macau

漢語 -- 澳門



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