UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
- English Abstract
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ABSTRACT This dissertation aims to analyse the cultural meanings carried in the auspicious language in Macao. A language does not only reflect the culture of a society, but also shoulders a number of important missions in the society and culture. The study on auspicious language in Macao not only will clarify how this reflects the culture of Macao, but also will analyse how it is applied to our society and its important functions. In terms of data collection, the author collected over 1,700 materials. These materials were then analysed structurally, statistically and pragmatically. For a complete and systematic description of the close relations between the auspicious language and the society and culture of Macao, this dissertation contains the following: 1. A definition of auspicious language and the scope of research; 2. A classification of the auspicious language in Macao; 3. A structural analysis of the collected names of racing horses and dogs; 4. An analysis of the auspicious language used in certain special dish items, and a description of their means of expressions; 5. A statistical analysis of the names of racing horses and dogs that carry Macao characters and related to the gaming sector, and through this to illustrate the psychological factors within; 6. An illustration of the cultural meanings contained in auspicious language, from reflections of naming, socialisation, the application of auspicious numbers and New Year wishes; 7. Finally, an induction and conclusion of the social functions and pragmatic features of auspicious language in Macao.
- Chinese Abstract
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本文提要 本論文旨在分析澳門吉祥語所包涵的文化意蘊。語言與一個社會的關係,不僅在於語言反映社會文化,更在於語言在社會文化中擔負許多重要的使命。因此,對澳門吉祥語的研究,不但將闡明它們如何反映澳門的文化,並將分析它們如何運用在我們的社會中以及它們所具有的重要功能。 在資料搜集方面,本人收集到的語料超過 1700 條,嘗試透過結構分析、統計分析、語用學的一些概念對收集到的語料進行分析研究。為了能完整有系統地描述澳門吉祥語與澳門社會文化的密切關係,本論文內容主要有幾個方面: 1. 對吉祥語作出定義及指出研究範圍。 2. 對收集到的澳門吉祥語加以分類。 3. 對其中所收集到的馬名及狗名進行結構分析。 4. 對其中較有特色的菜名吉祥語加以分析,闡述其表現手法。 5. 對具有澳門特色及與博彩有關的馬名及狗名進行統計分析,以說明當中涉及的心理因素。 6. 從命名中的體現、交際中的體現、運用吉祥數字的體現及新年願望的體現這幾個方面,說明吉祥語包涵的文化意蘊。 7. 最後,以歸納的方法總結出澳門吉祥語的社會功能及其語用特徵。
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
- Faculty of Arts and Humanities (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
- Department
- Department of Chinese Language and Literature (former name: Department of Chinese)
- Degree
- Subject
Chinese language -- Honorific
漢語 -- 敬語
Chinese language -- Terms and phrases
漢語 -- 短語及特別用語之研究
Blessing and cursing -- Macau
祝福與詛咒 -- 澳門
Language and culture -- Macau
語言與文化 -- 澳門
- Supervisor
- Files In This Item
- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991000810309706306