UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
- English Abstract
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A vivid slogan is an essential factor of an advertisement, and what's more, it effectively reflects particular living style of a society by carrying distinguishing features of certain period of time. Affected by the remarkable historical factors, the advertising slogans in Hong Kong and Macau show a great diversity of subject matters and forms of expression etc. The main purpose of investigating into the advertising slogans of Hong Kong and Macau is to enhance people’s recognition of social cultures and linguistic forms belonging to the two regions. This dissertation will start with a brief introduction focusing on the purpose of conducting the research. This dissertation is composed of four chapters. Chapter one aims at analyzing the definitions of advertising slogans throughout Hong Kong and Macau, their salient characteristics and relevant functions. Chapter two provides a discussion on cultural implications for those advertising slogans. Chapter three moves on to explore the various forms and styles of such advertising slogans. The last chapter concludes with the linguistic characteristics of the slogans. Interested readers can refer to the appendix which includes 550 advertising slogans for further discussion.
- Chinese Abstract
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廣告語言是廣告的生命,廣告主題語更反映了特定的社會生活內 容,帶有時代的色彩;而港澳地區由於有著獨特的歷史因素,因此兩地 的廣告主題語無論在內容、表現形式等方面都呈現多采多姿的現象。對 港澳地區的廣告主題語進行探討,將有助人們對港澳社會文化、港澳語 言等方面有更進一步的認識。 本文引言部分對研究目的作簡單概述。正文共分四個部分,第一章 對港澳廣告主題語的定義、特徵和功能進行了分析,第二章從港澳廣告 主題語的文化內蘊方面進行探討,第三章從港澳廣告主題語的形式方面 進行探討,第四章結論部分總結港澳廣告主題語的語言特點;文後附有 港澳廣告主題語共 550 條,供閱讀者參考。
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
- Faculty of Arts and Humanities (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
- Department
- Department of Chinese Language and Literature (former name: Department of Chinese)
- Degree
- Subject
Advertising -- Hong Kong
廣告 -- 香港
Advertising -- Macau
廣告 -- 澳門
- Supervisor
- Files In This Item
- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991000810279706306