UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
"孟子"的修辭藝術探討 = The discussion of rhetoric in Mengzi
- English Abstract
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Mengzi is one of the most prestigious books among Confucian classics. It is not only the direct material for studying Mencius" thoughts and activities, but also has very high literary value, especially his prose which has become the model of later writers. Mencius' writing style is vigorous, full of emotion, and his words are powerful as well as unrestrained, thus he is famous for his eloquence Mengzi includes widely from the ancient myths to the preceding and current sages words, which are expressed through a dialogic and argumentative style. Besides using metaphors and analogies, Mencius is an expert in trapping his opponents when they argue, hence making his opponents speechless. He is also good at using rhetorical methods, such as asking in reply, arguing from positive and negative perspectives, contrast and repeat, etc., in order to increase the vigor of writing and strengthen the persuasion. The eloquence in Mengzi is perfectly expressed through its mature rhetorical art. Discovering the rhetorical art in Mengzi is meaningful to us. In addition, it is encouraging us to fully understand, while inheriting and spreading this cultural heritage. Key words: Mengzi Rhetoric Research
- Chinese Abstract
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《孟子》一書作為儒家的經典著作有著崇高的地位,它不但是研究孟子思想、活動的直接材料,而且從文學的角度看,還具有很高的文學藝術價值,特別是他的散文更成為後世文章家的典範。 孟子的文章氣勢磅礴,情感充沛,遒健而奔放,以雄辯著稱於世。《孟子》 以對答辯難的表述方式,廣征博引,從遠古的傳說故事,到前聖時賢的經典言論,文中俯拾皆是;孟子善於巧比妙喻,引人入彀,由表及裡,置對方於無言以對的境地;他善用反詰、對比、排偶,正反立論,反覆申說等修辭方式,來增強語言氣勢,強化懾服力與說服力。 《孟子》 的雄辦是通過其嫻熟的修辭藝術而得到完美呈現的。發掘 《孟子》 的修辭藝術對於我們全面認識並繼承和發揚這份文化遺產將有積極意義。 關鍵詞:《孟子》 修辭藝術 研究
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
- Faculty of Arts and Humanities (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
- Department
- Department of Chinese Language and Literature (former name: Department of Chinese)
- Degree
- Subject
Mencius -- Meng tzu
Chinese language -- Rhetoric
漢語 -- 修辭
- Supervisor
- Files In This Item
- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991000173389706306