UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
論文學表達的新空間 : 博客寫作的文學與文化研究 = The new space of literature expression : literature and culture research of blog
- English Abstract
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With the computer network of rapid development, blog which is a new writing way increasingly public concern on Network. It is a private open of writing. Right now there are many works on blog study ,but one of these are concern about Communication. Blog writing Impact of cultural innovation because that it very popular .How can we treat the new space of literature expression? There are six chapters in the thesis. The first chapter introduce definition, development, and Literary Features about blog writing.The second chapter studies the blog's text. Analysis of blog writing is different from the traditional writing of the new writing .Blog break traditional norms, Fuzzy various genre boundaries. It is a non-genre writing style. Interactive is one of features by Blog. The third chapter Analysis of blog writing language features. Blog writing main features of the language of dialogue, games, deconstructive three characteristics. The forth chapter from the cultural Sociology perspective blog "non-classical" Writing, compare between the grassroots culture and classic literature. The fifth chapter From the feminist perspective ,we knew the women bloggers create a female principal position. We need to find the harmonious voices of the gender from blog. The sixth chapter study from the philosophy of blog Writing. It Analysis the underlying motivation of blog writing.From the aesthetic point of view, the bloggers Write blog to the daily life aesthetic.Although they don't consider the value of life and moral significance of caring on the surface, Writers were eager pursuit of fame recognition. In order to satisfy a sense of accomplishment, bloggers don't abandon the value of significance.
- Chinese Abstract
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随着计算机网络的迅猛发展,网络上一种新的写作样式正日渐被大众关注,这就是博客写作。它是一种开放的私人化写作方式。目前对博客的研究的专著很多,但都是站在传播学的角度,随着博客写作这股风潮越刮越热,它自然对文化的创新做出一定的影响。我们怎样去看待这样一种文学表达新空间,博客写作开启了全民写作的狂欢时代,写作不再是难事,在这个开放的私人空间里,我们看到了文学的新风景。 文章共分为六个部分。 第一章简要介绍了博客这一新的表现形式,说明了博客的定义、现今发展状况,指出了它的文学特征。第二章从文本着手,分析博客写作的文本类型。它是一种无体裁写作样式。依托于超文本技术,博客的交互性特点也是显而易见,它的文本通过各种链接而面向大众开放且不断变化。第三章分析博客的语言特点,率性直陈是它的普遍特色,另由它的生存空间和发展走向所决定,形成了博客用语的对话性、游戏性和解构性三大特点。第四章从文化社会学角度探讨博客“非经典”书写,由草根文化和经典文学的两相比较引渡出文学写作的变革。博客写作是一种“非经典”写作典范。第五章以性别视角探讨博客写作,从女性主义的角度分析女写手写作博客重塑女性的主体地位,我们要在博客世界里找寻两性和谐的声音。第六章是对博客写作的哲学探讨,分析了博客写作的深层动机。从审美的角度来看,博客写作走向了日常生活审美化,博客这一反传统写作方式表面上不考虑人生的价值,对意义道德缺乏关怀,但是同时写手们又追求成名,渴望被认同。一方面拒斥传统写作理念,一方面又以传统方式来价值定义。其实最终极的意义来说,就是博客写手们为了满足成就感,无法割舍意义的价值,他们终究逃脱不出经典价值体系的影响。
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
- Faculty of Arts and Humanities (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
- Department
- Department of Chinese Language and Literature (former name: Department of Chinese)
- Degree
- Subject
Literature and the Internet
Literature, Modern -- History and criticism
現代文學 -- 歷史及評論
Postmodernism (Literature)
後現代主義 (文學)
- Supervisor
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- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991000173149706306