UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
D. Antonio Joaquim de Medeiros : Bispo de Macau e as Missoes de Timor, 1884-1897
- Issue date
- Author
Fernandes, Francisco Maria,
- Faculty
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
- Department
Department of Portuguese
- Degree
- Subject
Medeiros, Antonio Joaquim, -- Bishop
Fernandes, Francisco Maria, -- Padre, -- 1936- -- Biography
Christianity -- Timor-Leste -- History -- 16th century
Missions -- Timor-Leste -- History -- 16th century
Timor-Leste -- History
- Supervisor
Matos Artur Teodoro de
- Files In This Item
- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991000155959706306